Soccer Season

By Coaches/Entraîneur(e)s-Sunday 04 Jun 2023

This message is to inform you about the operation of the season.

The season starts next week, the week of June 5. U7s and U9s begin Monday, June 5 at 5:45 p.m. and 7 p.m. respectively. U5s, U11s and U13s begin Tuesday, June 6 at 5:45 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (U11s and U13s) respectively.

As indicated on the registration form we are asking parents to sell tickets for a draw this year, this fundraising effort is necessary to ensure the viability of the season this year. VERY IMPORTANTyou must bring $40 to the first practice to pay for your tickets (10 tickets at $4 each), players will not receive their shirts, socks or shorts without payment of $40 for the tickets.

You can go to the shed (large garage) at the entrance to the oval field, where our coaches will be available to give you a bag containing the shirt, socks, shorts and tickets to your child in exchange for the $40 for the tickets. We ask that you please arrive 15-20 minutes early in order to pay the $40 and pick up the jerseys.

Here is some relevant information for the season:

– tickets sold must be returned no later than June 21 because the draw will be on June 23.

– the schedule will be posted on the website at, currently the first two weeks are posted. The schedule will be updated towards the end of next week to include practices and games until the end of the season. Games for Under-7s to Under-13s will begin the week of June 26.

– the season ends the week of August 14.

– our CIBC Soccer Fest will be on August 12 (or 13 in case of unforeseen circumstances).

– the Dalhousie soccer fest will be on Bon Ami weekend, the exact date will be announced soon.

– There will be a Pro Foot soccer camp for youth U9 and up, from July 24th to 28th and to register you have to text message or call Stéphanie Bujold at 506-686-0850.

– coaches will create a messenger group for parent volunteers to coordinate practices and the number of volunteers that will be needed, there will be a rotation of volunteers who will be with the coaches for practices.

– communication to parents will be done via email by the coach.

– IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to be respectful to coaches, volunteers, other parents and children. We are here to help your children develop and have fun, so respect for everyone is essential to the success of the season and the development of our players. We want to create an unforgettable experience for the players and offer them the pleasure and the opportunity to develop a love for the sport of soccer 🙂

Thank you and see you soon,

Your 2023 coaching team